Separate dormitories for boys and girls are specially designed as per their age on the theme of comfort and recreation. Dorms are furnished with beds, cupboards and study tables among other things. We also own and maintain 23 staff residence spread between the campus.
At Ivy League the Dorm parents take responsibility for the smooth operation of their dormitory halls and the safety and productivity of the students. They define the rules and set the standards for good communal living. They care for the students to an extent that they treat them like their own. They make sure the students are:
-Eating right
-Sleeping well
-Taking their medication (if they’re on any)
-Having a healthy social life
-Sleeping well
-Taking their medication (if they’re on any)
-Having a healthy social life


The campus has a ten-bed health centre manned by a visiting doctor and a resident nurse available round the clock. Each student undergoes a thorough periodical health check-up every semester.
Food & Dining

At Ivy League our cuisine are prepared to taste as good as home-cooked food. The menu is drawn up by a Mess Committee that comprises both students and teachers and then carefully planned by the nutritionists and dieticians. Vegetarian and non-Vegetarian dishes are served to cater to individual choice.
There are exclusive dining spaces for juniors and seniors. Faculty members dine with the students to instill in them a sense of social propriety besides teaching them etiquette and table manners.
There are exclusive dining spaces for juniors and seniors. Faculty members dine with the students to instill in them a sense of social propriety besides teaching them etiquette and table manners.

Safety and Security

The entire campus is walled and important areas are covered by CCTV. Apart from the same, the school has fire extinguishers and conducts a fire drill annually. The school has its own RO plant for drinking water, a stand by generator and solar water heaters.

Safety and Security

The entire campus is walled and important
areas are covered by CCTV. Apart from the
same, the school has fire extinguishers and
conducts a fire drill annually. The school has
its own RO plant for drinking water, a stand by
generator and solar water heaters.